Government and politics
Edexcel Government UK Rule of Law
Fully resources lesson for Edexcel Constitution topic on the Rule of Law.
Included a table and info sheets to fill, as well as lots of real political examples and links to useful articles on the slides. Great for discussion on how well the government is currently holding up the Rule of Law. Homework written into the lesson.
Works well as part of my scheme of lessons on Constitution topic.
International Women's Day Assembly/form time activity
A resource for International Women’s Day that is designed as an assembly but can be used as a form time activity too.
It aims to unpick what we mean by feminism and address some of the misconceptions. It also includes a story of Kathleen Roberts a ‘Woman of Steel’ from WWII. Later slides cover problems facing women and what we can do to help.
Edexcel Politics - Ideologies: Socialism Key Thinker Summaries
Detailed, chunked, bolded, dual coded sheets covering the key ideas, works and quotes of Edexcel Key Thinkers for Socialism. Students find these very accessible and it covers interpretations of core values and ideas on Human Nature, Society, State and Economy, to keep it all in one place and to prep them for use in assessments and exams.
Edexcel Politics - Ideologies: Conservatism Key Thinker Summaries
Details, chunked, bolded, dual coded sheets covering the key ideas, works and quotes of Edexcel Key Thinkers for Conservatism. Students find these very accessible and it covers interpretations of core values and ideas on Human Nature, Society, State and Economy, to keep it all in one place and to prep them for use in assessments and exams.
Bundle Sale
Edexcel Politics Constitution content, essay planning, writing and exemplar answers
Two fully resourced lessons on Labour, Coalition and Conservative constitutional reforms, with homeworks written into each. A writing guide for paper 1 and paper 2 essays, as well as an exemplar answer and one to improve, to the question Evaluate the view that reforms to the UK’s constitution since 1997 have not gone far enough (30). Can be used to set up, prep for, assess and feedback to A Level Class - Will cover 4 lessons. Saves 1/3 buying as a bundle.
Bundle Sale
Edexcel Politics Topic 2 Parliament whole unit lesson bundle with assessment
Series of lessons to cover, plan and assess students on Topic 2 of Paper 2 - Parliament.
It covers:
Makeup of Parliament
Legislative Process
Back Benchers
Recruiting and maintaining ministers
Comparative Powers of Commons and Lords
Assessment on Comparative Powers (with planning sheet).
Save 25% on buying lessons separate!
Bundle Sale
Edexcel Government UK - topic 1: Constitution lesson bundle
This includes 7 lessons, 2 of which prepare them for assessments (one essay & one source) which include a writing guide on each question and an exemplar answer.
Lessons cover:
Nature of UK Constitution
Sources of UK Constitution
Reforms 1997-2010
Reforms 2010-Present
Should we have a codified constitution?
Rule of Law
Parliamentary Sovereignty
Assessments covered are:
Essay Q - ‘Evaluate the view that Constitutional reform since 1997 has not gone far enough’.
Source Q - ‘Using the source, evaluate the view that the UK Constitution requires reform’
Saves 40% on buying lessons separate and writing guides can be used for any essay and source Q for paper 1 and 2.